Info-beamer hosted OS 14 release thread

Released testing 241008-4fd91e:

  • Updated kernel to 6.6.54
  • Added experimental gl.draw_front() and gl.draw_back() to specify where images and other rendered content will be placed: By default it’s drawn above the already rendered content, but if gl.draw_back() is called, all following draw calls will render into the background.
  • Add ‘double’ data type to OSC parser.
  • Added additional logging should the kernel crash and reboot.
  • [Pi4/5] Fixed shaders not properly handling video textures. This fixes some non-working effects in the browser package.
  • [Pi4/5] Improved texture handling: When using a video in a shader, the texture stays referenced until the end of the frame so the video frame doesn’t change mid-rendering.