Feature Request - Enable DS3231 RTC

I have looked through the forum and did not see anything mentioning a real time clock nor the DS3231.

I have the Raspberry Pi 4B running my info-beamer. Like all other RPi4B I have, I installed the Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module DS3231 on it. I have been trying to configure this to use it; but it seems we do not have access to make the changes needed to do so. With this in mind, I am submitting a Feature Request to have info-beamer give us an option to enable a RTC Module should be purchase and use one. This way the RPi can keep time even over reboots. Below are links to the RTC modules I purchased and the instruction page I use for my other RPi4Bs.

From what it looks like, it would be possible for info-beamer to add a box in their configuration section that would then run a script on the device to configure the RPi like the instructions say.
Thank you.


Using the RTC Module on the Raspberry

It seems it is compatible with the ds1307. Adding


to /config/userconfig.txt might work.

Thank you it did work. I also will admit, that after I submitted this I stumbled on to the support page I was looking for that showed it was already supported {takes foot out of mouth}. Thus, thank you for fulfilling my Feature Request before I needed it. :slight_smile:
Great job!

Helo there,
I have the Raspberry Pi4 running infobeamer, and I want to add the RTC Module on the board. However, before starting a new thread, the search function brought me here.
What module would be the proper one, and @infobeamer-fw , the same configuration should apply still?
Thank you in advance for time and expertise.

DS1307 support is still there, which should still work for DS3231. If you add the line above to your configuration RTC support will work.

So , for having this very clearly:
The above mentioned module from the Amazon link should work just fine, physically connecting it to the board and thus making the changes


to /config/userconfig.txt might work.

Yes. I just tested it with my RTC on a Pi4 and it works. Although you have to also enable the RTC checkbox (for the PCF8523) in the configuration interface, so the OS actually probes if an RTC is attached. Otherwise it will be ignore. I can see if the UI in the configuration editor can be extended to offer the choice between the DS3231 module and the PCF8523, making manual config file editing obsolete.

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A little help here.
Bought the RTC modules, connected to the RPi4 board just like in this picture.

Ticked the box for to also enable the RTC checkbox (for the PCF8523) in the configuration interface.

Now, for making the changes mentioned, tried to connect to the RPi4 as root, from the Devices web portal.
Tried to edit the file by

nano /config/userconfig.txt

Got the message that there is no nano package, and when I tried to install it, got a message that this is not Debian and there is no apt.
Could someone shed some light here?
What I am doing wrong, where can I edit the configuration file?
Thank you in advance

Instead of working manually on the device, go to its device page, click on “Edit configuration”, then go to the
“Advanced/Development” tab and use the text input box (“Custom Pi boot configuration”) in the bottom right to modify the userconfig.txt file. Then click on “Apply configuration” and your device will reboot using the new settings.

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Thanks for clearing this up. Usually, I do this directly on the device, but hey, this is much more convenient.