HD Image/Video Player V2 - wall 3 x 4K


Please, could you help me to configure the devices to create a wall of 3 x 4K screens in a “HD Image/Video Player V2”?


There various ways the package can be used to create synchronized content. Do you intend to display individual content on each display? Or stretch content across displays?

If you want individual content on each display and play those in sync, create a single setup. Click on the dropdown icon next to “Add fullscreen slot” and select “Add fullscreen with alternatives”. Select the default asset. In the listing within the slot, select “Add alternative” and select another asset. It should now look like this:

The default asset (“4k-demo.mp4” in the screenshot) is the default asset, the other one is set to be “Alternative 1”. Now assign this setup to two devices. On the device page of one of those devices, scroll down a bit to the “Content player” section that’s available once the setup is assigned. There on the right side in the “Preferred alternative” select “Alternative 1”. This instructs this device to play the asset set as “Alternative 1” if there is one for a slot.

Hope that helps.


Thank you very much for the replay.
What I want to do are 2 setups running in sequence: one to display images on the 3 screens (that I can do easily) and another setup that allow to play the images across the 3 screens (video wall mode). Is that possible?


That’s possible with a single setup: Add another playback slot using the dropdown again, but select “Add video wall slot” this time and select the asset you want to show across all three displays. Then go back to each device’s detail page again. You only have to do this one: In the “Wall content settings” area, select these three settings for each of the displays:

Left display: x1 = 0, x2 = 300
Center display: x1 = -100, x2 = 200
Right display: x1 = -200, x2 = 100

And on each: Scaling = Upscale, y1 = 0, y2 = 100

Dear Florian,

Thanks a lot for the settings.
The setup works fine now!

Just the synchrony among the 3 screens is not so good as with the “Video Wall Image/Video Player” that is perfect. It should be because I’m using WiFi, but I can’t use Ethernet :roll_eyes:.


That’s generally a problem when using WiFi. The HDv2 player works by having the Pis communicate with each other over the local network. If there’s a log of jitter (variance in communication delay), that timing might be slightly off :frowning:

The older package works by system time alone, which uses NTP to retrieve that time, which probably has a slight advantage as it can derive the correct system time over a longer duration.

I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to improve this on WiFi.

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