Mur d'image de 6 TV

Bonjour, nous envisageons de monter un mur de 6 TV. Y a-t-il des limitations, lenteurs ou impossibilités à connaître avant de le mettre en place ?
Au départ nous souhaitions en installer 8, mais apparemment il y a un maximum de 6 TV. Peut-on espérer que l’application soit compatible avec 8 TV
dans le futur ?

I guess with the 6 display limit you’re referring to the limit currently imposed by the Video Wall Image/Video Player package. The reason this limit exists is due to how video wall playback works in that package: You can have a single veeeery wide video and stretch it across 6 displays. Each Raspberry Pi will then decode the complete video but only show its small section of it.

For a 6 display wide playback using the maximal 3840 pixel width of a HEVC 4K video and assuming all your displays use 16:9 aspect ratio, the overall aspect ratio of 6 screens side-by-side would be (16x6):9, so 96:9. With a 3840 pixel wide video, the height of the video would be 360 pixel (= 3840 / (96/9)). That’s quite low res for each individual display. Having more displays would only reduce this further.

The alternative is to have 6 pre-cropped videos. Each video can then be as large as 3840x2160. You can use the normal HD image/video player package and use its “synced playback” option. Assuming all videos have the exact same duration, they would all play in sync. This all of course requires you to prepare each very large video by splitting it up into individual cropped versions. There is no limit on how many displays can play in sync. There are customers that played synced content across 47 displays that way.

Hope that helps.

Yes, that answers my question. Thanks for your help.