I am using the embedded browser (alpha release) and just a simple iFrame on a webpage. I will attach the iFrame at the end. It is a simple weather embed that has a looped animation. There are two parts to the animation 1) wind current (which shows perfectly) and 2) storm clouds (typical radar style but fails to load every time).
From what I can tell when playing around with the website windy.com the top right icon will display what you are currently viewing. So when I create the iFrame with “radar” and open the webpage it displays the radar and confirms the radar screen by the top right.
Here is what I have discovered so far, that when this webpage is loaded onto a Pi5 with this software, it displays (what I am guessing is the default) “wind” pattern instead of the radar. My suspicion is the load time is not set long enough to switch to the radar function? No clue why it displays a whole new iFrame when using info-beamer versus when displaying it without the software.
The embed to try for yourself: <iframe width="100%" height="750" src="https://embed.windy.com/embed.html?type=map&location=coordinates&metricRain=in&metricTemp=°F&metricWind=mph&zoom=6&overlay=radar&product=radar&level=surface&lat=42.277&lon=-45.408&detailLat=73.85&detailLon=-85.144&detail=true" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I have tried power cycling and recreating setups in case it was a cache issue (I did initially want the standard “wind” template and ran it just fine).