Remote Triggered Player for multiple videos or images

It’s your lucky day. Just yesterday the Schedule Player package has been updated and can not play pages (which can show a fullscreen video for example) triggered by the API/a button in the web interface.

Have a look at Scheduled Player Package now supports GPIO and Remote Triggers.

What you would do:

  • Be sure to update the package to the latest version (Click on “Check for updates” on its package page)
  • Add a playlist that cycles through the default content.
  • Add another playlist, configure it to be never scheduled (click on “Schedule”, then select “Never schedule”), so pages added to that playlist aren’t shown.
  • Add any number of pages to that playlist and active the “Interactive” feature, select “Remote trigger” and set a unique value per page.

Then you can trigger the individual pages either through the device detail page - it’ll get new buttons, one per configured remote trigger - or through the API directly. See the other topic for how that works or just have a look at the calls the device page makes using the web inspector.

Hope that helps.