Scheduled browser - custom LAMP stack included

Ill start by saying that my setup (or what I am trying to accomplish) is rather unusual.
To explain a bit, I have 3 TV in a take away restaurant. 2 of them TV are scheduled with info-beamer and work as intented. Big thanks for the software!

Not, the first TV/screen is where I have a problem and try to find the right solution for it.
Understand, in the morning this screen displays a full page browser, the Raspberry PI has a LAMP stack and there is a webapp (PHP+Ajax+Apache) displaying what items are on the menu. From a POS, one can disable the listem items, accesing the server hosted by the Raspberry PI.
This setup works, we are improving it a bit, but it works.

Now, in the afternoon the same screen is used to show a slideshow/movie with a related content. Now,as we have info-beamer on the others screens I wonder:
Can I schedule a full screen browser who can show the same infomation, and with the same functionality?
Can I host a LAMP server inside the info-beamer? Can the browser acces the localhost inside the info-beamer?

Sorry for the long post and the convoluted way of explaning things, but I wanted to show everything from the start, rather piece by piece.

For now, I just think about doing some cron job/script to open the browser in the Raspberry Pi and leave it as it is.
But I want to clarify if all the above are in the realm of posibility, or i am rather too demanding.
Thanks in advance for your time and knowledge!

Yes. See full screen browser package.

In theory: yes. The packages you assign to your devices can include basically any custom code or runtime. You could create a packages that includes a full LAMP stack runtime. The browser package could then contact Apache on localhost. But creating that is rather difficult and you might be better off purchasing a separate Pi running your custom LAMP code alongside the Pi running info-beamer.

So, let the Rapsberry Pi that I already have do its thing and from a separate Raspberry with info-beamer schedule the browser pointing at the LAMP stack IP, followed by the scheduled movie in the afternoon.
Will try the browser package to see how it can solve my problem.

It could be a solution, for the time being. I have already a separate Raspberry used for testing. Or easily host the LAMP stack on a virtual maquine running with failover built in.
Well, will try and report back.

I have a hard time configuring the browser package.

I have the LAMP stack running on another RPi4, and I can access it from anywhere in my LAN and I can see in a normal browser the content.
However, I put the URL in the browser package as shown in the screenshot and does not display the content, all I get is a white screen. Where did I did wrong?

Edit: Sorry, the mistake was on my side, it was simply the incorrect URL typed.Confirmed that it works as intended, and the content can be altered in real time by the Ajax function from the LAMP stack.