Schedules for evenings and weekends

My setup involves several TV’s across many campuses. I have all TV’s on network timers, but it appears that Info-Beamer (rightfully so) continues to play content.

How would I set up the schedules to save on my bandwidth but more importantly not get charged for the days and evenings that we are not using Info-Beamer. Is this how the “Schedules” feature even works?

Thanks for the help!

Not really. If a device is online, regardless of what it is playing, it is considered active and counts towards your daily use and your service credits will be charged. Only if you turn it off and wait two days it will no longer cost anything.

Bandwidth usage for image/video content is minimal as all content you’ve assigned to your device at least once will never be downloaded again during playback and very likely not downloaded again even if you switch to other content and then assign it again later. Of course the same isn’t true for any web content as it will be fetched repeatedly. You could use the schedules feature to assign a black setup during those hours.

The Pi5 also has an (as of now unused) feature that allows a device to almost completely power down and wake up after a set number of seconds. The power saver package might be updated in the future to also optionally support this mode.