Screen resultion, Update Question

Hi Folks,

I have a Raspi4 running info-beamer since a few months flawlessly.

Today I only wanted to change the IP settings. Our service provider told me to change from static to dynamic IP.

So I changed that setting. Worked fine for this part. Since then my Pi doesn’t show a picture anymore. Also the resolution is a bit odd as I set it fixed to 1080p/60. The device shows 4k.

When it starts up it changes between 4k, 1080p and back to 4k. It shows startup messages (booting up …) so it’s most likely not a broken cable or anything like that. In this case i think it would not show a resolution nor any text during boot.
We have had problems using 4k (especially performance, heat…) also the resolution is too high so text is too small to read from a larger distance in our case.

Also a bit strange is the update notification. There was a reason (which I don’t know anymore) why we used “testing” channel release. The notification mentioned to Upgrade. So I both ran testing and stable channel manual deferred OS updates and it still says I should upgrade/update.

There are also some errors in the log which I can’t really adress.

Maybe one her could help me?

Information screen.

Settings (Video)

Unfortunately the old fullscreen browser package doesn’t really respect any of the video resolution settings at it sets its own video mode. It runs outside of the control of the info-beamer process normally responsible for all of that.

With the Pi4 and 5 there is now an alternative browser package that works differently: It embeds right into the core info-beamer rendering process. I’ve installed that into your account and copied the settings from your other fullscreen browser. You should see the result and the correct video mode now.

Thank you for your super fast support! Works again. Saved my day! Is this a thing, I could do on my own or do you make this changes? I’ve another device on another account which maybe could get the same problem when updating. I can see you activated CEF package on this device.

You can do all that on your own now: The browser package is available here.

While you’re at it: I would suggest you switch all devices over to stable (and away from testing) and for added performance set your devices to “Performance” on the “Audio/Video/Hardware” tab of the device’s settings editor.

Thank you so much! I’ll do that. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to change to performance as the device is getting pretty warm now (prev: ~54°C now: ~65°C). I’ll monitor that and decide how to get around this. Performance is good by the way. Better than it was when we used the old Chrome. and it seems to boot a bit faster.