Scroller-bar for other Packages & PDF2Video access

Most likely. This is something that’s going to get added to the package that will replace and combine existing video wall packages as well as the scheduled player package. Stay tuned.

Unfortunately not. Accessing another account and using an OAuth app cannot be easily combined. I’ll have to think about this.

Boring technical details follow: Feel free to ignore :-): Normally OAuth apps request the permissions they require by specifying “scopes”. This then opens up a page like this to ask for the permissions requested by that app (The bullet points below “Example App will be able to”):


When you access another account, you already have active permissions that restrict what you can do in the other account. It’s not really possible to combine those permission with those requested by an app. So you’d have to use the permission you have for the other account and give those to the app. They would then most likely be either too narrow (if your access to the other account doesn’t allow an operation the app needs and the app might not work) or too broad (if you have full access to another account, the app would inherit that giving it too many permissions). The first is bad from a user-experience perspective, as it means the app might not be able to do its job. The second is bad for security, as a user might expose too much of their account access to an app.

Additionally there is no sensible way to save the permission request’s state somewhere: With normal app access to your own account, you’ll get a new self-access in your permissions page in the “Access to own account by authorized apps” section. Next time you open the app, the permission request dialog is skipped as your decision is now saved by that access. This also allows you to see which permissions you’ve granted and allows you to revoke access. All that’s not possible when accessing another account, as there can only ever be one way to access another account (for example you cannot invite the same user twice into your account). So the app would have to ask for permission every time you open it.