Hi All,
I’m just double checking to see in my understandsing of deploying IB Hosted on rPiZero 2W. Some of my understandings (i.e., ASSumptions) are:
- Must boot from sd card. Hacks to allow booting from USB port won’t work.
- One can attach a formatted USB drive to the OTG port following the procedured in “Device Configuration - info-beamer”.
- Other than copying the files to be cached to the drive and creating the stub file /config/importer on the u-sd card the process is transparent(ish) to the user.
- If on enables P2P on IBs on the LAN they will share the data equitably.
- I assume that file names and hashed values must agree with the uploaded assets.
- Are all files cached in memory at initialization? Is is possble to leave the on-device when not in use, or when in use by a peer device? USB drive can hold terabytes of files at very low cost; memory on a pi zero 2W is 500Mb. I’m primary thinking of video or large audio files.
I’m currently falling down the rabbit hole of IB programming. Lua, OpenGL, the ins and outs of the API. It’s been a while since I’ve coded at this low a level. I didn’t appreciate how level I was coding until I realized that every line was writing executed with every frame. A far cry from Qt, and a nice trip back to roots.