Touch Screen with Kiosk mode that can trigger info-beamer using GPIO pins

Hi everyone, whilst searching for a method to deploy a touchscreen that has kiosk mode and allows users to send GPIO inputs to a Pi running info-beamer to control what is playing locally I discovered Nymea:

It looks amazing, it’s free, open source and can run on a Pi, it also integrates with IOT devices and can be managed from the cloud.

This may help others looking for a similar solution, especially for use cases like museums etc, where you want to allow users to control what is displayed on a screen but also want to get all the benefits of running info-beamer to remotely add manage content etc.

I haven’t got this up and running just yet, but my plan is to have the Pi running info-beamer installed close to the Pi running Nymea and connect the GPIO pins to allow me to trigger playback of videos.

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