For my Race result screens I would like to be able to take a snapshot and export it.
The exported snapshots can then be placed on a website so that racers and supports can consult them there as well.
Or used by other screens running on a PI-zero , rendering this amount of text objects is killing the Pi-zero
The Idea is to take a snapshot with "resource.create_snapshot" and then be able to export the create resource into the file on the raspberry PI.
This would give me match more control than using the screenshot function from the API.
Would using the screenshot tool (source here) which is installed on the Pi help? Since it sounds like you already have a service script running, you might control when to run that tool from there.
Usage is basically screenshot > screenshot.jpg and it is the same tool used to capture the screenshots from the API.
As soon as I have some time I give it a try.
May come close to what I had in mind, the only difference is that the creat_snapshot function can also just take part of the screen.