This device works great:
240713-383103 stable
With the old version of the Video Player, I get 60 FPS looks great.
However this device:
241217-d34b18 stable
With an updated version of the Video Player (the old version wouldn’t work with this release and OS) I get a low (40s) frame rate and color artifacts. This is hardware independent. CPU is “shown” as high, although on the device, it shows (using “top”) as running in the 5% range.
Any thoughts? Can I move to a previous version of the software? If so, where do I find it.
I just realized that the issue is w/ the rotation. These screens are portrait and I have the player rotate 270. When I un-rotate, the artifacts and cpu issue goes away.
Hm. For 90/270 degree rotations, the hacky method implemented in the older Broadcom closed source framework isn’t available any more and info-beamer has to use the only available method instead. This works fine and pretty fast on the Pi4 and 5, but it seems on your Pi3 it has quite a bit of overhead. I didn’t realize that. You can revert to the old method by disabling the new method:
Device detail page > Edit configuration > ☐ Use the modern method of interfacing with the video subsystem…
Saving will reboot once and it should use the older method. Does that make a difference?
6 posts were split to a new topic: Pi4 troubles with 7 streams
@michael.hines your bug report made me revisit the Pi3 method of placing 90/270 degree rotated videos on the screen. I’m happy to report that after a deep dive into the Pi3 hardware the performance has improved from 35 frame/second back to perfectly smooth 60. The change necessary was probably one of the most satisfying to add recently and I’ll probably write a separate post about that soon.
The testing
version of the OS has these changes included, in case you’re interested in trying them out.